Monday, March 23, 2020

Growing Your Social Capital

Domain Expert:
            1.Who they are, what their background is: 
          Sita, she is the owner of dress rental business called bchurunway in Bkk,Thailand.
          2.   How this person is a “domain expert”: 
          She’s the pioneer of dress rental in BKK and has lots of customer base including celebrities.
         3.   How I found and contacted this person:
         I am her customer and knew her when I visited the showroom
         4.  Nature of Exchange: What they did for me, what is the return expectation: 
She told how she initiated the idea of rental business. She told some tips and some obstacles relating to the rental business. reputation. Bchurunway has a reputation of super stylish and fashionable which is very attractive to young woman. Social media platform is the easiest way to advertise and keep in touch with customers such as asking their feedbacks.
          5. How will including them enhance my ability to exploit an opportunity: 
I could consult her when starting my own business because she’s a very successful entrepreneur.
Market Expert
            1.Who they are, what their background is:
Fon, she’s an employee of Lazadaa, one of the biggest online shopping applications in Southeast Asia.
2.How this person is a “market expert”: 
She works in marketing department of fashion line for Lazadaa, and has a deep understanding about ecommerce business including using social media to advertise and create brand image.
3.How I found and contacted this person: 
            She’s a friend of my older sister.
4.Nature of Exchange: What they did for me, what is the return expectation: 
            She told me her experience of working in this career. For example, she told about how
            Online business grows during the past few years.
5.How will including them enhance my ability to exploit an opportunity: 
            I could consult her about online platform from advertise, service to delivery.
Industry Supplier:
  1. Who they are, what their background is: 
Melisa, her family owns a factory that manufactures clothes.
2.     How this person is a “industry supplier”: 
Her factory export clothes to neighboring countries and many parts of Europe. Although it’s not specific to winter wear item, there are still some overlap product such as jacket.
3.How I found and contacted this person: my high school friend
I asked her about how her factory reach customers and some supply management because most of her products are exported to overseas.
4.Nature of Exchange: What they did for me, what is the return expectation: 
It was very casual because she’s one of my best friends. Growing up with this family      business, she really understands how clothe manufactures operate.
      5.How will including them enhance my ability to exploit an opportunity: 
            I could buy some products from her with a special deal.
Finally: Reflect. This exercise really broader my point of view about the winter wear rental business as I got to talk to many people who are related to the business.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Piyaporn,
    I really enjoyed reading your social capital assignment and all of the different people you asked. For each domain, you found a wide variety and great examples for each industry. I amazed at how you were able to get in contact with them. For your market expert, I believe you found a great example because the person you know works in a fashion line. Having this type of leverage and support would be good to have, especially if you're trying to upstart a winter clothing fashion line.
