Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Testing the Hypothesis, Part 2

Who: So, through my interviews, I found out that there are two groups that fall outside of my market. These individuals are those who seem not to travel abroad; therefore, they do not see the needs to rent winter-wear. Also, another group of individuals are those who have very high budget, and do not mind purchasing luxury winter-wear items.
What: I’d say that the need for winter-wear items are very depending on occasions. People who’re going to rent have purposes on Why they need them ex. Going on vacation.
Why: obviously, people who are inside the boundary are those who love to travel abroad during winter, fond of fashion, or want to save costs.

Inside the Boundary                                    Outside the boundary
Who:                                                               Who:
Young adults-middle age who love.               Those who don’t like to travel and don’t
travelling to cold places and want                 mind buying expensive winter-wear.
to save costs/be fashionable.

What:                                                              What:
Convenient                                                     They don’t need any winter-wear in Thailand/They
Cheaper than buying the new one             always buy luxury items.
Can always choose trendy styles

Why need exists:                                         
People don’t want to waste money.
People get bored easily.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Piyaporn! I think you brought some great content to this week's post as you identified two markets/potential consumers that might not want or need your product. Of course, those who do not travel to places that need winter clothing will not have to rent this type of clothing, but I had not thought about those that are wealthy enough to buy such clothing outright. It seems like you are on the right track for your product. Great job!
